Archive for June 23, 2009

“FAMOUS on FACEBOOK” 1st 200 FANZ and counting…THANKZ

Posted in B.YONEST, facebook with tags , , , , on June 23, 2009 by invazion

200FANZ(can you find your name?)

This post is a HUGE THANKZ to our FIRST

200 FANZ on FACEBOOK!!!  and continued fanz after 200!!!

One thing we have realized traveling the country, performing, networking, passing out CD’s  and connecting with FANZ is that the social media sites have POWER.  The power to pass information SO MUCH FASTER then we ever could driving around and passing out music.

We are often asked, “what can I do to HELP make B.YONEST FAMOUS?”

With the Power of Facebook we decided to start a campaign entitled “FAMOUS on FACEBOOK”.  This requires your help.

We started the Fan page on May 7th with the goal to hit 200 FANZ by August.  On June 19th we hit 200 FANZ.  This is way faster then we thought possible and want to thank you all for making this happen!!! We are excited to see how fast we can continue this growth for all of us…

Facebook has given us a few ways to SHARE information/content (songz, videos, articles) with our friends very easily.  Really with the push of a button.

Couple ways you can HELP…

  • The easiest way and many of you already do this, is to simply pressPicture 43By doing so, it attracts attention to the posting…we love your comments,  this is what drives us to keep going…!  If you Like a particular song or posting, say you Like it.  AND if you really like it HIT SHARE – it will simply post this with “what’s on your mind?”  to your profile.

Other ways are on the FAN Page…

  • Directly under his profile picture you can “SUGGEST TO FRIENDS” – with this feature you can choose which of your friends you think would like B.YONEST and all of the remixes and new music, blog entries, videos and shinaningins…
  • One more way is there is a Share button Badge Picture 41on the left side about half way down.  A box will show up and you can say “what’s on your mind?”  This will just post to your profile.  SIMPLE.  It will look like this…Picture 5

There might be other ways to accelerate the campaign as well that we dont know about, please let us know about them!

Passing out CD’s usually dies with one person (meaning we give you a CD, you listen to it in your car, take it home upload to mp3 player and then that CD usually dies with you, meaning it doesn’t get passed around)  Facebook gives us the ability to pass the music so fast!  It also lets us know which songs you like and not so much.

Record labels, investors and sponsors are looking for BUZZ on these social sites.  We feel B.YONEST has the TALENT and we have the content (songz, videos, blog entries) to create controversy and BUZZ.  We are looking to our FANZ to help….  We will continue to give you more and more songz.  200 and counting… We have a database of stuff to release.  B.YONEST has been super hard at work for last few years and it is only a matter of time before he becomes “FAMOUS on FACEBOOK”.

Here is an article B.YONEST wrote a few months ago, discussing other ways that fanz/family/sqwad can HELP…

B.YONEST-ly….WE NEED HELP! (click here)


Picture 12